Saturday, January 22, 2011


Aku manusia lemah
Selalu terjatuh
Berbeda aku darimu
Kau berdiri teguh.

Aku serba tiada
Aku kekurangan
Dan bila kau tiba
Aku hilang dari kewujudan.

Sempurnanya sifatmu
Tulusnya hatimu
Jujurnya niatmu
Tingginya kesabaranmu.

Lepaskanlah diriku
Kerna aku tak mampu
Menanggung sebuah cinta sempurna
Darimu… darimu.

Bukan aku tak pernah
Mengerti dirimu
Ku sanjung setiap kata cinta
Kau berikan aku.

Hilangkan rasa itu
Akhirkan semua
Dan bila kau sedar
Aku hilang dari kewujudan.

i ll be waiting, forever n always

oh yes. mybe we'll just hand it to fate. n i do believe in this :: klau ade jodoh, we'll be together no matter how hard, how long, how much, how painful we hv to go thru ::
i wonder if u knew, why n why i took back my words n said i would delete wut u asked me to after our call ends. its act because, i suddenly realised that if i stick to my desicion, i'd b probably wont hear ur voice anymore. no one would be like talking with all those KAN KAN KAN like a makcik. no one to gve me much much sweet kisses anymore. and even if there's SOMEONE, it would'nt be the same. when its u, then its u. totally different cuz ure so effing special to me. n i wonder if u knew that too.
so i text u back n promised that i would delete them. n after a few minutes, u called me back. AND it was like totally NO ORGANS FUNCTIONING when u suddenly said that its already too late. which means, i WONT be ever hearing ur voice again!
u didnt noe how hard is it for me to decide those opinions u gave, syg. it was damn hard. but finally i choose u. u noe why. i hope u cn think bout it all over again. i mean like, how am i gonna live without u, ur voice, ur kisses, ur love n more. i'll wait i promise! we cn still be tgthr when life n chances exist.
but, syg. IF there's really no hope for us to b tgthr like bfore, pls tell me. tell me u hate me. tell me u dun love me anymore. tell me im hopeless. tell me u've found a better girlfrnd, tell me SHE'S BETTER THAN U, ELLE.. hurt me! so at least there's a way for me to forget u cuz i wont if u dont. *maybe.
life with u, was totally awesome. being tgther for soo many years makes me fell that ure already my heart to pump all those blood in me! *Seriously.
i noe i may be childish, gedik, keras kepala sometimes or maybe always. but thats me. i dun wanna be anyone else in front of u. its call hypocrte. dont u noe why im still here, with u, waiting for u, even u've hurt me for so mny times? mybe now u cn answer it urself. am i not good enough? i admit that uve changed a lot. i dun fuckin care. i accept u the way u are.
trust me baby, ure d best ive ever had. pls, reconsider..

with loads n loads of love,

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Thursday, January 13, 2011

wut is my so-called cita2?? ==

jyeah! mmg besttt! aku mngaku aku tkde cita cita. tp tk bermaksud aku tkde mase depan eh. sorry siket. its just too confusing. i love love love maths n ofc love playing with NUMBERSSSS!

tapi yg science meletop letop pn minat jugak.
lagi satu, bedah bedah org kuarkn kepala otak jantung kidney sume tu pn mcm bestt gk.
haaaa. soo?? mcm mne korang korang decide CITA CITA ehh? ajar aku boleh?? heeeee. mmg agk bodoh tp, FOR REALS. AKU NK ADE CITA CITA. == kesian gile aku ni. haihhh.
naaa. dats all kot. nk pkir cita2 jap. haha. TOODLES(:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

11th january 2011

first of all, sorry na kpda sape yg rindu akan coretan bunga bunga ku dlm blog ni. woahh. aku mmg dh lame tk onl. klau on pon, skejap gilee. tk smpt nk update blog.
jeng jeng. ari ni cuti! pasal ape nth aku pn tatauuu. dh cuti tu cuti je la kn, wtpe nk bnyk tnye. haha. ehem. hari ni aku kuar jenjalan ngn faten, lisa, yana n nurul! faten yg belanja. well, minah tu dapat RM10,000 kot for her PMR result. hah. kurang ajar gile en? konon nk beli bag handphone watch baju seluar segala jadah sume nk BARU. handphone tu tk kesah la en sebab handphone dye yg skrg ni TKDE LAMPU. bhaha. mmg kesian gila tahap petala kelapan ahh tgk handphone kawan aku sorang ni :D
soo, mmg smngt gile! awal2 dh tnye mama :: MA! KAWAN KAKAK, FATEN, YG DPT RM10,000 TU NK BELANJA SEOUL GARDEN BESOK :: mama aku bagi kuar meyhhh. mcm tk pcye. HAHA. thx faten! plus, sumpah aku rase bersalah kot bile tgk bill. RM184! *walaupun aku yg agak paksa suh mkn kt situ. heeee. aku tk tau pn! mase aku mkn ngn mak aku tu en, bukan aku yg bayar. soooo, hehe. nyway, kaw mmg terbaek la. come on la faten! haha. nnt la eh bile aku dpt kumpul duit beli DSLR, aku bg kaw pinjam naa? BHAHA. *lagi 2 tahun kot? 
okay makan kt sane mmg best gile cuz boleh dduk lame lame. *mcm kedai bapak aku pulak. HAHA. tp betol la! before masuk, bayar first satu kepala like RM23 ++ then dduk makan makan makan. jyeah! yg tk boleh bla nye, kitorg amik makanan mcm amik utk like 18 org yg datang. then masing2 cuak nk mampos tgk ade sign kt situ yg mksud nye lebih kurang cmni laa. :: IF WASTED, PAY RM5 FOR EVERY 100 g :: amik kaww! sume dh mengah gile en mase tu. walaooo. lepas tu buat kerja gile, MASUKKAN MAKANAN DLM TISU THEN LETAK DLM BAG. *utk buang kt luar nnt. lg satu, MASUKKAN MAKANAN DLM SUP. *cuz dlm sup en dye cm boleh tenggelam en. HAHA. but still ade lg mknn. dduk dalam kedai tu sumpah lame gile!! sume try utk hbiskn mknn tu but then lastly sume ANGKT WHITE FLAG tnda mngalah. bayar pn bayar lah! but then dh kuar, dorang bukan ckp suh bayar balik. in fact, dorang ckp THANK YOU! and we're like. wuttt?? baik kuar dari tadi seyhhhhh. HAHA. bongoksss betol kami2 ni. ==

then after that, teman faten pergi beli watch n bag. bapak! sumpah minah ni cerewet gila! gaya pilih suami je en lu! haishhh. then bla bla bla habisss. aku ngn lisa balik first cuz daddy aku dh smpai. but before that i hugged nurul sumpah kuat gile cuz de dh pndh teknik. im gonna miss u babeee! ):
n i really enjoyed myself today. NEXT TIME BELANJA LAGI EH FATYN CHOMEL CHOMEL!! :D